Careers at Braithwate
We are always looking to hire great staff
Braithwate is an entrepreneurial, fast growing firm; we offer incredible opportunities for ambitious consultants to gain high-level client access and have the autonomy to make an impact in their own style.
Working at Braithwate is a little different to the average consultancy: you’ll find fewer generic Oxbridge or business school graduates and rather more experienced practitioners who like to roll their sleeves up and get on with task at hand. We hire, coach and promote individuals with a deep passion for financial services and a desire to work at the forefront of developments in the industry.
Our work is focused on the core control functions of risk, compliance, finance and treasury; within this domain, we work with organisations large and small - from the biggest global investment banks to start-up FinTechs.
Typical projects involve:
Assessing the impact of a new regulation on the securities trading business of a global bank
Providing SME input into the development of a new RegTech system to identify and categorise regulatory compliance obligations
Working alongside a bank’s Treasurer to design a real-time reporting app for intraday liquidity management
Advising the CRO of a growing FinTech on the development of an effective operational risk management framework
We’re a bit fussy in our recruitment and we hope you appreciate that! We don’t have a standard profile because we believe that real diversity means we should consider each individual on their merits.
That said, there are some core attributes we look for:
Passion for financial services - we are interested in your perspective on the opportunities and challenges facing the industry
Technical expertise in at least one of our specialist domains (risk, regulatory compliance, finance, treasury)
Entrepreneurial spirit - we build our business by helping our clients build theirs and we share their ups and downs - if this excites you as much as it excites us, let’s talk!
We tailor our packages to each individual - you can expect top quartile pay, great benefits (30 days holiday, pension contribution matching, health insurance etc.) and a generous profit sharing scheme.
Email careers@braithwate.com with your CV and a covering note setting out your thoughts on what you consider to be the most interesting topic relevant to our specialist domains - it doesn’t need to be war and peace, just something to start a conversation…
We look forward to hearing from you!
Recruiters, please note that any unsolicited CVs will be accepted as a free gift and Braithwate will have no liability for any fees if we decide to engage an individual you highlight to us