Compliance e-Learning Platform

A world of compliance training at your fingertips

With the breadth of regulatory requirements firms face today, it is essential that staff understand their obligations as participants in the world of financial services.

Braithwate has partnered with leading e-learning provider, Skillcast®, to offer a comprehensive library of self-paced online training courses.

The platform offers over 200 courses, covering the following regulatory topics (click a topic to learn more about the courses offered):

The courses cover the breadth of financial services, including:

  • Retail and commercial banking

  • Trading and capital markets

  • Investment and asset management

  • Consumer credit

  • Insurance

The library of courses is continually evolving to keep pace with regulatory developments. Braithwate also develops bespoke training courses for our clients.

The e-Learning Platform is offered as an annual subscription, for 1 - 10,000+ users.

For 1 - 10 users, subscribe now or for larger teams, get in touch to discuss pricing and custom configuration for your business.

Screenshot from a compliance training course on market abuse regulation