Compliance e-Learning Platform
A world of compliance training at your fingertips
Subscribe now and gain access online
Each account is allocated to a specific individual user and may not be shared.
Price for up to 10 users: £199+VAT per user per year. For more than 10 users, please contact us to discuss bespoke pricing and customised implementation.
Please provide details in the form below and we will be in touch within 1 business day to collect payment and provide user access credentials. Please do not enter credit card or bank account details in this form.
Payment issues
Please contact elearning.admin@braithwate.com to discuss any issues with payment.
Subscription terms and conditions
The Compliance e-Learning Platform is subject to the prevailing terms and conditions.
Auto-renewal and cancellation
The Compliance e-Learning Platform is licensed on a recurring annual basis; you may cancel the auto-renewal by providing at least 30 days’ notice by email to: elearning.admin@braithwate.com. The service will remain active until the end of your current subscription period.