Compliance e-Learning Platform
Senior Managers & Certification Regime (SM&CR) course list
The following courses are offered within the Senior Managers & Certification Regime (SM&CR) library:
Introduction to the Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SM&CR)
Overview of SM&CR - Banking
Overview of SM&CR - Solo Core
Overview of SM&CR - Solo Enhanced
Overview of SM&CR - Solo Limited Scope
Overview of SM&CR - Insurance
SM&CR - Fit and Proper Assessments
Conduct Rules for Certified Persons - Banking
Conduct Rules for Certified Persons - Solo Core
Conduct Rules for Certified Persons - Solo Core (Asset Managers)
Conduct Rules for Certified Persons - Solo Enhanced
Conduct Rules for Certified Persons - Solo Limited Scope
Conduct Rules for non-Certified Persons - Banking
Conduct Rules for non-Certified Persons - Solo Enhanced
Conduct Rules for non-Certified Persons - Solo Limited Scope
Conduct Rules for Senior Managers - Banking
Conduct Rules for Senior Managers - Solo Enhanced
Conduct Rules for Senior Managers - Solo Limited Scope
Conduct Rules for Senior Managers - Solo Core
SM&CR Conduct Rules for Non-Executive Directors (NEDs)
The library of courses is continually evolving to keep pace with regulatory developments. Braithwate also develops bespoke training courses for our clients.
The e-Learning Platform is offered as an annual subscription, for 1 - 10,000+ users.
For 1 - 10 users, subscribe now or for larger teams, get in touch to discuss pricing and custom configuration for your business.
Screenshot from a compliance training course on market abuse regulation