Compliance e-Learning Platform
Conduct of Business course list
The following courses are offered within the Conduct of Business library:
Abuse of Dominant Position
Anti-Competitive Agreements
Business Ethics and Integrity
Code of Conduct
Competition Law
Gifts and Hospitality
PDMR Dealing
Responsible Use of Social Media
To Pay or Not To Pay?
UK Market Abuse Regulation
BCOBS - Distance Communications
BCOBS - General Standards
COBS - Appropriateness
COBS - Client Categorisation
COBS - Client Communications
COBS - Dealing and Managing
COBS - Suitability
Complaints Handling
Complaints Handling for Managers
Complaints Handling in the Mortgage Market
Conduct Risk
Conflicts of Interest in Asset Management
Consumer Duty
Ethical Standards in Finance and Investment
Fair Treatment of Vulnerable Customers
FX Global Code
ICOBS - Cancellation and Claims
ICOBS - Distance Communications
ICOBS - General Matters
ICOBS - Providing Information and Advising
MCOB - Advising and Selling
MCOB - APRC, Shortfalls and Charges
MCOB - Disclosures
MCOB - Equity Release
MCOB - Financial Promotions
MCOB - General Standards
Non-Financial Misconduct
Personal Conflicts of Interest
Training and Competence
Treating Customers Fairly
Whistleblowing for Managers
Whistleblowing in Financial Services
The library of courses is continually evolving to keep pace with regulatory developments. Braithwate also develops bespoke training courses for our clients.
The e-Learning Platform is offered as an annual subscription, for 1 - 10,000+ users.
For 1 - 10 users, subscribe now or for larger teams, get in touch to discuss pricing and custom configuration for your business.
Screenshot from a compliance training course on market abuse regulation